Join the Cat X Crypto Pre-Sale Now


Time Remaining Until Pre-Sale Ends

  • Progress/Sales Status Bar
  • 1 Cat X Crypto = $0,003
    Estimated Listing Price = $1,5

⬇Exchanges to be lIsted / EstImated $1.5⬇

⬅⬅⬅Swıpe left to see all exchanges ⬅⬅⬅


Cat X Crypto Investor Distribution

Below you can see the current distribution amount of Cat X Crypto available to investors

Internal monthly expenses (employee salaries, workplace expenses, legal expenses, advertising budget, etc.)


Early investors, Institutional investors, Our supporters, project-backed investors, system-based exchange supporters and more


  • Share allocated to the team

  • Advertising budget, workplace expenses, legal expenses, financial expenses, etc.

  • Share reserved for company investors, early investors, later investors, etc.


You can buy any amount of Cat X Crypto by connecting your wallet

1 Cat X Crypto = $0,003
Estimated Listing Price = $1,5


Supported Wallets

MetaMask, Binance Wallet, Trust Wallet, Okx Wallet, Bitget Wallet, Wallet, Bybit Wallet, Binance.US, Kraken Wallet, etc. (To see more, you can learn by selecting the Wallet Connect option and clicking the ''view all'' button.)


Connect your wallet and buy as much as you want

Get involved as an early investor using presale

😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸White Paper😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸 What is Cat X Crypto? What does it do? What are its advantages?

Fundamental and Technical analysis

You will have access to fundamental and technical analyses of the cryptocurrency market, which will be presented to you specifically by our expert analysts

Weekly Analysis

You will be able to learn about market movements earlier with our weekly analyses prepared specifically for you

Measures Against Inflation

You will be able to reach questions such as how should we protect ourselves against increasing inflation worldwide? How should we invest our savings?

Events, Gifts, Animated Movies and more...

You can be invited to special events held in many parts of the world and you will be able to benefit from these events free of charge

You can participate in the 1-year cat food support package, which will be given to cat owners every month, for free and have a chance to win

You will have the opportunity to be a voice artist and receive special thanks in the animated films we will prepare specifically for those who have pets at home


Our Roadmap

End of Q4 2024


Project research, team research, officie research, investor research

End of Q1 2025

App Beta Test

Setting up the website, opening social media accounts, and bringing the project team together

End of Q2 2025

Training Sets

Special cryptocurrency market technical and fundamental analysis training set for Cat X Crypto owners

End of Q2 2025

Events, gifts and bonuses

Invitations to special events, specially produced food for cat owners

End of Q3 2025


Cryptocurrency market specific bulletins, news and more


Active founders


Michael Liam

Founder & CEO


William Xeno

Founder & CEO

  • Floyd Miles

  • Eleanor Pena

    Founder & CEO
  • Arlene McCoy

    Technology Officer
  • Robert Fox

    Financial Officer
  • Elizabeth Lara

    Technical Support
  • James Mateo

    Financial Officer
  • Robert Joseph

    CTO Officer
  • Amelia Ava

    Marketing Officer
  • Charles John

    Financial Officer
  • Isabella Mia

    Financial Officer

Frequently Asked Questions

Do have any kind Of questions? We're here to help.

We have prepared a video tutorial for you on the home page of our website on how you can purchase Cat X Crypto.

You need to use a wallet to purchase Cat X Crypto. Supported Wallets; MetaMask, Binance Wallet, Okx Wallet, Trust Wallet, Bybit Wallet, Wallet, Kraken Wallet, Binance. US etc.To see more, select the connect wallet option on our site, then click on Wallet Connect and click on the view all button.

It is currently sold only on our website at the current price of $0.003. It will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges in the future. By purchasing our coin, you can join our project as an early investor and have some advantages.

1-) Fundamental and Technical analysis You will have access to fundamental and technical analyses of the cryptocurrency market, which will be presented to you specifically by our expert analysts. 2-) Weekly Analysis You will be able to learn about market movements earlier with our weekly analyses prepared specifically for you 3-) Measures Against Inflation You will be able to reach questions such as how should we protect ourselves against increasing inflation worldwide? How should we invest our savings? 4-) Events, Gifts, Animated Movies and more... You can be invited to special events held in many parts of the world and you will be able to benefit from these events free of charge You can participate in the 1-year cat food support package, which will be given to cat owners every month, for free and have a chance to win You will have the opportunity to be a voice artist and receive special thanks in the animated films we will prepare specifically for those who have pets at home

It will be listed at an estimated $1.50

Once Cat X Crypto is listed on cryptocurrency exchanges, you need to click on the Cat X Crypto specific deposit section on the exchanges, then copy the wallet address, go to the wallet where your Cat X Crypto are located, paste the copied address into your wallet and click the send button. Don’t worry, we will share a more comprehensive and educational video for you once Cat X Crypto is listed on cryptocurrency exchanges.

Copyright © 2025 Cat X Crypto. All rights reserved.
